Tuesday 8 May 2012

Eveything's alright

 This is the final piece in my drawing book (before submission. As I've enjoyed doing it so much that I'm going to carry it on once i get it back)
This piece has a different kind of feel to it, I wanted to end this submission with something uplifting and hopeful. I thought that all my other pieces  have been quite dark and sorrowful, because life works out that way quite often, and although i won't stop making melancholy art, I felt that this drawing book has been a lot like a visual diary, it has helped me over the past few months and that is something I am very grateful for, so I felt that in the end, I'd like a happily ever after for once, even if there are none in reality. I felt it would be nice if , through all my sorrow and love that i have poured into my work that there was a happy ending , a reward and success, because I know that as long as i keep going and working hard, there just has to be an 'over the rainbow'

Over all i am extremely proud of my work throughout the drawing book, I'm fond of all my characters and their development and also enjoy just looking back through my work and been able to see how my line quality has improved along side the development of settings. I know that my work is still not perfect but I can see it is becoming more and more detailed, so know that if i carry on I may find the kind of perfection i seek.

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