I decided to make a short film with the images I made today. I would like to point out this is not my final film for the summer project, just part of an idea that I just had to do whilst it was swimming around inside my head.
I thought about how to represent myself in a series of images, and then, as usual turned to my books for inspiration. One of my favourite been the Picture of Dorian Gray. It's no secret that I adore the dark elements of art and story telling, so I thought it would be an interesting idea to portray myself in a portrait like Dorian Gray's, I also wanted to have flashes of what kind of things go on in my head and the things which inspire me.
Obviously the debauchery and horror are showing up as wounds upon my 'portrait'
This is by no means perfect, but i decided to upload a short test film of my progression throughout this project. I'm pleased with the concept of this and also the makeup.
I'm not too sure about the quality of the pictures, as I did this on my own and so, had to take the photos of myself, resulting in some of the poses been slightly different, although when I look at the film I do like the uneven effect.
Anyway I shall be uploading lots more of my work over the summer as I am brimming with ideas that are all fighting to jump out into the world and make people smile.
The music for this was inspired by a 1940's horror film named Carnival of souls. Its very dark and atmospheric featuring a young organ player who doesn't realise she is dead, to cut a long story short, this character has these 'trance' moments where her beautiful organ playing turns into something macabre, chaotic and frightening,, with this in mind and the imagery from the film of the carnival where the souls live I made up this 'music'
I think it fits in very well with the theme as when I hear it it sounds very chaotic and not melodic in any way, The sound of the repetitive notes along side the twinkle of the music box I feel make for a macabre carnival sound. Perhaps the carnival that goes on in my mind.
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