Sunday, 1 April 2012

Awfully pretty stitch

I was kindly given a lot of old cross stitch designs by a friend, this one had been partly started so i decided to finish it and add text. The scene, to me looked as though the poor girl in the purple has been replaced by the girl in the pink, so i added tears and a rather nasty tag line, although , i wish it had been the girl in the pink who was the one in tears, if life was perfect it would be. I like the way i have used a cruel line in the text, yet from a far the image looks rather appealing and innocent, some might say , quite pretty and feminine.

This piece shall be used as part of the free gift set in our collaboration magazine, along side other rather horrible delights, there will be lots more wicked stitch, post cards, potions and more , you shall just have to wait and see.

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